Ken was born and raised in a suburb of Cleveland, OH. He was interested in art from a very early age. Although a primarily self-taught artist, he spent his teenage years taking Saturday morning classes at the Cooper School of Art. His heart’s desire was to continue on studying art in college. However, upon his high school graduation, he followed his father’s advice to “take up a trade” and joined the U.S. Navy to train as a structural mechanic. While attending technical training in Memphis, Tennessee, Ken’s artistic talent could not be subdued and he found an outlet in painting murals on the walls of the base’s dining and entertainment facilities. His superiors soon observed that he could better serve the Navy as an illustrator draftsman and Ken’s career as a mechanic came to an end.
From that point on, although his job descriptions have varied, his hand has always been in art one way or another. From illustrating technical manuals and missiles for the navy to designing beach t-shirts and hand drawn layouts for Preppy jewelry catalogs and resort hotels; as long as there was a pen or brush involved.
This same theme continues with Ken’s palette and subject range. On his easel, at any given time, you may find a rustic barn scene, someone’s favorite island bar, a group of whimsical animals, a vintage automobile or a pop culture icon. Going each day where the winds of inspiration may take him.